Carson City
Carson City Airport is used regularly by private and air taxi operators and is an important hub for business.
Board of Supervisors-Resolutions
2019-R-1 Resolution to augment and amend the 2018-19 budget
2019-RA-R-1 Resolution to augment and amend the 2018-19 budget of Redevelopment Authority
2019-R-2 Adopting policies on coordination and communication of legislative matters for the 2019 session
2019-R-3 Supporting Senate Bill 48 of the 80th session of the Nevada Legislature
2019-R-4 Superseding and revoking resolution 1971-5-R to revert responsibilities of Center Drive within Douglas County back to Douglas County
2019-R-5 Renaming the Stormwater drainage fund as Stormwater Utility Fund, Sewer Fund to Wastewater Utility Fund, and Water Fund to Water Utility Fund
2019-R-6 Authorizing the lease of city right-of-way
2019-R-7 Reporting the City Engineer's estimated Assessment Roll for FY 2020, identifying cost to be paid by Downtown NID, fixing time and place to hear complaints, and directing city staff to provide notice of public hearings
2019-R-8 Confirming Downtown NID assessment, complaints/protests/objections, and ratifying the City Engineer's Assessment Roll for FY 2020
2019-R-9 Setting the tax rate for county cooperative extension for the fiscal year 2020
2019-R-10 Authorizing disbursement of Community Support Services Grant funds and Quality of Life Initiative to non-profit organizations for FY 2020
2019-R-11 Resolution to augment and amend the 2018-19 budget
2019-R-12 Authorizing expenditure from FY 2019 Redevelopment Revolving Fund for improvements to the Fuji Park Fairgrounds sound system
2019-R-13 Authorizing expenditure from FY 2020 Redevelopment Revolving Fund to support various special events
2019-R-14 Authorizing expenditure from FY 2020 Redevelopment Revolving Fund for improvements to the public plaza area in front of Children's Museum
2019-R-15 Authorizing expenditure from FY 2020 Revolving Fund to support various arts and culture special events
2019-R-16 Authorizing expenditure from FY 2020 Redevelopment Revolving Fund to support various events, incentives, and capital improvement projects
2019-R-17 Interfund loans from the Regional Transportation Fund to the CAMPO Fund and the Street Maintenance Fund, and from the General Fund to the Transit Fund
2019-R-18 Resolution to levy the FY 2019-20 ad valorem tax rates as certified by the Nevada Tax Commission
2019-R-19 Accepting real property for use as a public street, Jackson Village Subdivision
2019-R-20 Accepting real property for use as public street, Silver Oak Phase 23A
2019-R-21 Providing for the transfer of Carson City's 2019 Private Activity Bond volume cap to the Nevada Rural Housing Authority
2019-R-22 Amending maximum number of residential building permit allocations and establishing max average daily water usage for commercial and industrial building permits
2019-R-23 Resolution of Carson City BOS appointing trustees to the Other Post-Employment Benefits Trust Fund
2019-R-24 Regarding the reconveyance of a permanent well located on APN 007-201-05
2019-R-25 Authorizing expenditure from FY 2020 Redevelopment Revolving Fund to update Fuji Park Master Plan
2019-R-26 Authorizing the expenditure from FY 2020 Redevelopment Revolving Fund for purchase and replacement of informational signs at Mill's Park
2019-R-27 To sell Carson City property known as APN's 008-303-15, -16, -21, 36, -37, -39 for economic development
2019-R-28 Regarding the sale of Carson City property known as APN 007-531-13 and 007-531-14
2019-R-29 Regarding reconveyance of APN 003-207-04 to the Brewery Arts Center
2019-R-30 Authorizing donation of surplus items
2019-R-31 Accepting the highest bid for the sale of properties APNs 008-303-15, -16, -21, -36, -37, and -39 at public auction and authorizing the Mayor to execute a deed
2019-R-32 Regarding sale of Carson City property APN 007-531-13 and 007-531-14 to Carson Tahoe Regional Healthcare
2019-R-33 Authorizing the expenditure from FY 2020 Redevelopment Revolving Fund for a new message sign at the Children's Museum
2019-RA-R-1 Resolution to augment and amend the 2018-19 budget of Redevelopment Authority
2019-R-2 Adopting policies on coordination and communication of legislative matters for the 2019 session
2019-R-3 Supporting Senate Bill 48 of the 80th session of the Nevada Legislature
2019-R-4 Superseding and revoking resolution 1971-5-R to revert responsibilities of Center Drive within Douglas County back to Douglas County
2019-R-5 Renaming the Stormwater drainage fund as Stormwater Utility Fund, Sewer Fund to Wastewater Utility Fund, and Water Fund to Water Utility Fund
2019-R-6 Authorizing the lease of city right-of-way
2019-R-7 Reporting the City Engineer's estimated Assessment Roll for FY 2020, identifying cost to be paid by Downtown NID, fixing time and place to hear complaints, and directing city staff to provide notice of public hearings
2019-R-8 Confirming Downtown NID assessment, complaints/protests/objections, and ratifying the City Engineer's Assessment Roll for FY 2020
2019-R-9 Setting the tax rate for county cooperative extension for the fiscal year 2020
2019-R-10 Authorizing disbursement of Community Support Services Grant funds and Quality of Life Initiative to non-profit organizations for FY 2020
2019-R-11 Resolution to augment and amend the 2018-19 budget
2019-R-12 Authorizing expenditure from FY 2019 Redevelopment Revolving Fund for improvements to the Fuji Park Fairgrounds sound system
2019-R-13 Authorizing expenditure from FY 2020 Redevelopment Revolving Fund to support various special events
2019-R-14 Authorizing expenditure from FY 2020 Redevelopment Revolving Fund for improvements to the public plaza area in front of Children's Museum
2019-R-15 Authorizing expenditure from FY 2020 Revolving Fund to support various arts and culture special events
2019-R-16 Authorizing expenditure from FY 2020 Redevelopment Revolving Fund to support various events, incentives, and capital improvement projects
2019-R-17 Interfund loans from the Regional Transportation Fund to the CAMPO Fund and the Street Maintenance Fund, and from the General Fund to the Transit Fund
2019-R-18 Resolution to levy the FY 2019-20 ad valorem tax rates as certified by the Nevada Tax Commission
2019-R-19 Accepting real property for use as a public street, Jackson Village Subdivision
2019-R-20 Accepting real property for use as public street, Silver Oak Phase 23A
2019-R-21 Providing for the transfer of Carson City's 2019 Private Activity Bond volume cap to the Nevada Rural Housing Authority
2019-R-22 Amending maximum number of residential building permit allocations and establishing max average daily water usage for commercial and industrial building permits
2019-R-23 Resolution of Carson City BOS appointing trustees to the Other Post-Employment Benefits Trust Fund
2019-R-24 Regarding the reconveyance of a permanent well located on APN 007-201-05
2019-R-25 Authorizing expenditure from FY 2020 Redevelopment Revolving Fund to update Fuji Park Master Plan
2019-R-26 Authorizing the expenditure from FY 2020 Redevelopment Revolving Fund for purchase and replacement of informational signs at Mill's Park
2019-R-27 To sell Carson City property known as APN's 008-303-15, -16, -21, 36, -37, -39 for economic development
2019-R-28 Regarding the sale of Carson City property known as APN 007-531-13 and 007-531-14
2019-R-29 Regarding reconveyance of APN 003-207-04 to the Brewery Arts Center
2019-R-30 Authorizing donation of surplus items
2019-R-31 Accepting the highest bid for the sale of properties APNs 008-303-15, -16, -21, -36, -37, and -39 at public auction and authorizing the Mayor to execute a deed
2019-R-32 Regarding sale of Carson City property APN 007-531-13 and 007-531-14 to Carson Tahoe Regional Healthcare
2019-R-33 Authorizing the expenditure from FY 2020 Redevelopment Revolving Fund for a new message sign at the Children's Museum